Tuesday, January 24, 2006

A Bad Day

Ever wake up one the wrong side of the bed and just feel like you need to restart your day somehow. Well that was me today. Having kids they just don't let you go back to bed. I know I had playgroup today to take the kids too so up I got and got ready to go. While having breakfast I read the Daily Bread and Mark reads his Bible Stories for Tiny Tots ( he initiated doing this on his own which really makes me happy). Anyways, guess what todays topic was in the Daily Bread? You guessed it, "A Bad Day?" Here I learned that not only was I feeling like it was a bad day it ACTUALLY IS !!! For those of you who didn't read it it said "Dr. Cliff Arnall, a British psychologist, has developed a formula to determine the worst day of the year. One factor is the time elapsed since Christmas, after the holiday glow has given way to the reality of credit-card bills. Gloomy winter weather, short days, and the failure to keep New Year's resolutions...Last year January 24th recieved the dubious distinction of being 'the most depressing day of the year."!!! So there you have it, it wasn't just waking up on the wrong side of the bed, it actually is a Bad Day!! I know many of you would say well you didn't quote the rest of the Daily Bread because it does go on to say how we as Christians need to remember "even when circumstances hang a sign on our calendar saying "Bad Day" the Creator enables us to thank Him for the gift of life and to recieve each day with joy." Thanks David McCasland for reminding us of this in this Daily Bread it just was too perfect to read that this morning and I thought I should share that with you all!!