Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The faces of Kyla

Look at me!! I love to smile and telling you how much I enjoy being outside. Here I am sitting outside in March enjoying the sunshine and the feel of the grass while brother plays in the sandbox. And look how at me standing at the couch. I can pull myself up and for awhile I didn't know how to get down but I just figured out all you have to do is let go and you land back into that wonderful sitting postion. My newsest trick I discovered is that you can go from crawl position to sitting and back to crawling. I love changing my postions now. Did you notice how much pink I am wearing?? Even my cheeks match my outfits half the time. I think mom likes to dress me in this colour as I'm in it alot these days or manybe that's just whant people send me (I think it's both). Speaking of, Thank you "Auntie Sarah" for the wonderful outfits that I am wearing in these pictures. All the way from Holland and I look so cute in them!!

Well, bye, bye. Thanks for chatting with me. I love to talk to bad it all comes out babble and nobody else can understand.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

We finally have some pictures to show you.YEAH!! it has taken some fighting with this computer but here are the highlights of the day at PLANET SPACE WALKERS. The nerf ball gun - As Grandpa and Mark shoot balls down at the poor, defensless children below that Mark so lovingly invited to his party. They wern't completey defenseless at times as Jason Gau sat there throwing balls back at us - trying to help give the kids more balls or actually trying to hit me which he did a number of times. Kyla is crawling at the bottom of the picture which really you can only see her head and at this point she is crawling only a few times before stoping. But, there as she watches it all happen completly safe behind the mesh.

The train cake looked more like cars on a little people track but the kids knew what they were and that's all that is important. There surprisingly wasn't as many fights about which colour cake they would each want.

The ball pit was also a huge hit for all kids including the adults as Missy and Grant were off hiding in the ball pit until Liam and Paige found them as did Kyla. With a bit of help into it she loved it. The trick is to not let her suck on them as we don't really even want to go there.

So there are a few photo's for you. I don't want to loose them before I get them posted so I'll leave it as just a few for now.