A plot of earth that transforms seeds to amazing wonders.
God's creations come alive as each day, week and month passes we watch the transformations.
We planted our garden full of squash last year and flowers with little to maintain.
This year we enjoyed so many strawberries we ate them each day. We have loved our flowers and are quite proud of our rows that are beautifully providing gracious amounts of veggies. Carrots have already been eaten with many more to come, onions, peppers, and cucumbers. Our zucchini, and squash are out of control but our watermelon and cantaloupe did not seem to thrive for some reason.
We noticed one day that Mark's choice seeds (sunflowers) had reached over the chain link fence. The kids were already in their p'j but came out for the picture.
We planted zucchini that seems to be growing for giants. We have eaten zucchini almost every meal and I have made a number of chocolate zucchini loaves.
Ray working hard pulling weeds or just training the vines...
Now wait until you see how huge these sunflowers were when we came home from camping...