Dad and Carolyn and I went for a walk and toured a small village.
I got to hang out with all of them and meet Phil. I loved just being there. Apart of the everyday things and helping around. I loved seeing my dad's face when we surprised him and I loved just being with him for his birthday!
I got to met his house group and see them bless him.
I was blessed being there as much as I hope I blessed you Dad by coming! Your words to me will never be forgotten. Thanks!
this picture was for the kids...they wanted to say hi to Nala, Teddy and Cloe!
The green one tasted like drinking liquid grass. I tried both green and orange. We're praying they work for you Dad as that's gross to drink every day.

I had fun playing with Dad and the old train. He's getting ready for 3 grandsons to come and play with. What great memories were shared and moments together!
Thanks again girls and Carolyn for helping this surprise happen. And I love you Dad!!