The kids keep us busy; Kyla is active as ever getting into everything. There really is little stopping this girl. She is so smart. The other day she pushed the stool over to the pantry and crawled on top, stood up and reached and pulled down the tea container. She climbs stairs before you even realize she is close to them - hence the gates now, and watch out if the patio door is open as she seems to have a 6th sense about that one and heads straight for it. She is using everything and anything to pull herself to a stand (including Daddy's leg hairs at this very moment).

Mark is out playing in the sand box as much as possible but hasn't quite learned that we don't appreciate him choosing to turn the sprinkler on by himself to water the garden. He enjoys taking his bike to the park although that gives us the scare of our lives most times as he looks everywhere but where he is steering. He does puzzle after puzzle (thanks Joel and Josh for passing on puzzles you were done with and Thanks Grandpa Dyck for sending 3 new ones.)
He has recently started to ask to play school which I love to see. We played yesterday and school involves the "Wheels on the bus" song on the pretend bus, to sitting at a table working on letters or numbers, recess, snack break and more learning. Maybe we won't have to pay to go to preschool if he's doing his own school here.

I have been keeping myself busy reading - I have 4 books on the go right now and scrapbooking - 3 on the go. Gardening (Thanks Mom and Dad Peters for so many plants - it sure filled the garden beds nicely). Also tons of walking. Stores that I had been driving to I realized are only a 1/2 hour walk away so that's what we've been doing. Sure it takes more time but usually I do it while the kids are napping. We're so lucky they both can take naps in the stroller and be rested enough. Ray and I both love walking so that also happens right after he comes home before supper. He's been biking to work so he sure gets is exercise each day. He is biking 70km this coming weekend for Gardom Lake Camp so I guess he's trying to get ready for that. I guess our evenings have been busy lately as we have had many game nights. We got a great new game at Easter "Ticket to Ride" (Thanks Mel and Don) and have played it tons and have new expansions to another game "Carccassone" and have played that tons. I can't think of what else is really keeping us busy so that must be the end of my update.