I think the debate has been going on for ages. It really depends on who you ask as to what the answer will be. It also greatly depends on your own child rearing, I'm told. but not always. But as for me I have always thought; If I ever have a baby girl I would have her ears peirced. AND SO THEY WERE!! Really Ray and I have been talking about this for months. Well, almost since the beginning of Kyla. I really wanted to her to have earings and he wanted nothing to do with it. Now, he was never against it being done it was just a matter of when and that he didn't want to be there holding this crying baby down, or dealing with a cranky baby afterwards. So after much discussion and making sure there were no hard feelings and this was ok the plan was in place. I wanted it to be special, not that having it done wasn't special but something more. So as soon as I heard Auntie Mel was coming to see us I knew that was the weekend to have it done. I thought it might be a special thing to do with my sister (who has two boys) and my mom. Little did I know she had it done as an adult and the memory is still negative in her mind. Acutally neither Grandma's wanted to be there. Both of them at the thought of it said "oouch" Why??" But Auntie Mel thought it was a good idea. I was a nice mom though, I got numbing cream for her ears, I checked into a highly recommend place that did both ears at the same time and the ladies were experienced, and of course gave here a dose of tylonal as that fixes everything. Ray decided last minute instead of waiting with Grandma and Mark he probably could handle being there so I was happy to see him enter the store just in time to see it all happen. Two guns pointed at my baby girls ears and bang it was all done. The look on her face was a smile as everyone around her was smiling. She laughted and then as everyone in the store seemed to get right in her face to see the sparkles the tears came. Only momentarily but the shock of it all was enough. So our pretty princess now sparkles in the glimpse of light!! Amazingly she did great. She still is doing great - not complaining at sleep times or while I (of course remember Ray wanted nothing to do with this) clean and turn her earings. IT IS JUST HOW I IMAGINED IT - SPARKLING AND BEAUTIFUL!!