Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas Day

Christmas day with the Peters...Brunch was amazing with all of us there. I think there is 15 of us now. I guess one or two wee ones were not at the table yet.

The kids enjoyed the gift exchanges and everyone seems very excited with what their cousin got them. Grandpa and Gramma got something for each of them too which they all love too!!

Mark loves his remote control truck and his Lego garbage truck,

Kyla for example loves her tea set...looks like Uncle Levi is practicing for Avery in a few years!

She also loves her barbie Princess carriage that goes with her Cinderella dolls.

The guys played guitar hero...obviously playing a real guitar gives you the advantage of strumming skills.

And the two wee ones this year are so beautiful and full of cuddles.
Kyla loves holding the babies too...I guess since she'll never be a big sister she'll have to one day she'll grow up to be a good babysitter.

The night ended with Gramma and Mark and a drawing challenge...
Think of something to draw, find your own spot so no one can see and draw it as fast as you can, reveal your artistic talent. We're pretty proud of both of them. Anything from remote control car, a piano, santa, snowman, apartment building, airplane, grandfather clock, and candles to name a few. Some of the details were impressive.

Christmas with Us

This year we had Christmas on Christmas eve. The struggle with both of us growing up with different traditions is deciding on which one to use with our own immediate family. This year it worked well as the Christmas eve service was early afternoon. We had our family time before heading over to Grandpa and Gramma's house. I'm so glad to share in the traditions that have been passed down and some we keep from my family and some from Ray's.. As long as it works I'm fine with whatever. Some of the best moments that afternoon were... Just US time...

Kyla and her Dream come true Cinderella Barbie doll...

Mark's expression with MarioKart...

Ray's new look with his Ski goggles...

And I re-entered the world of cell phones after 8 years...
There were also many M&M's to last me till next year (thanks Marianne), games to play, Wii fun to be had, transformers to figure out and lego to build. Thanks to Aunties and Uncles and cousins from afar.

Christmas eve ended with Birthday cake for Jesus with the kids, sending them off to bed early so the adults could have some appies.
After the kids were in bed we had a nice bit of adult time! Listing to Dad telling us adults a story and just sitting and talking!!