The summer is over but it's still hot here and we can still enjoy the 30+ weather while it lasts. Hard to believe it's September and we're camping with kids. Grandpa and Grandma have a trailer so there was many times in there. Also having showers available and a store just down the path for icecream or coffee in the morning for Auntie and Uncle helps too!!. Definately fun spending time in the mountains and on the lake (beach really and kayaking) with family.

Mark had his bike along and thank goodness he did, as he was on it even before breakfast was ready and all the way until nightfall. Even better when cousin Kaden came and had his scooter to ride with. It was special to know this is somewhere my family went camping as a family and where Ray's family went and still goes.
Just as we were leaving the campground we made one more stop on the way home. The Kokanee Salmon are in full stage of sponing and moving up the river. There were hundreds of red, large salmon. Most were the length of Mark's arm- fingers to shoulders. All fighting their way up the river and even splashed us once. Mark's favorite part was seeing all the dead fish - gross says mommy!!