The never ending adventures of Mark. I think we should write a book some time. Lisa said if we don't maybe she should - maybe not literally.
This afternoon as the cousins were hanging out they each got to choose one Halloween candy. Little did I know the candy bin actually contained a variety of candies from Halloween to decorating candy from the baking cupboard. Mark was being silly and decided to put one small pea size hard candy into each of his nostrils. "look at me" he said and I yelled "Mark, get that out of your nose right now - you never put things into your nose!". Well, no sooner had I said it, Mark flicked one candy out but put his finger into the other pushing the candy further up.
Seriously - who does that? - or should I ask isn't that normal for a boy?
Blowing his nose didn't work so I called the Health line. They told me what to do and that didn't work. By this time Ray had shown up at his brother's house and took Mark to the walk in clinic. Now, don't think the story ends there as that would be boring...
The doctor tried a few things but couldn't get it out either and sent the two to the emergency. They did try a few things and took an X ray. They even stuck a catheter up his nose and inflated the balloon hoping to pull it out. The ENT doctor said that usually works 99% of the time...not for Mark...
Next they put Mark out using an IV (They had numbed his hand an hour before inserting the IV - good thing as if you know Ray he would have passed out at that stage if there was any pain/blood). While he was out they used a scope and discovered they couldn't find it anymore. More X rays and finally Mark was labelled clear for discharge.
A small candy snack turned into almost 6 hours (3pm-8:45pm) of adventure. As much as we never want that to happen again, it's not likely we're really going to prevent everything from happening in this boys life. The RN nurse in the emergency room actually was telling the other nurse all the different things she stuck up her nose as a kid - from peas to mashed potatoes. I guess girls do it too - lets hope not!!
Monday, November 05, 2007
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Story time each night is a special time for Ray and I and both our kids. I love the chance to sit with both of them on my lap, or lay on our bed like we are here, and on the rare time they will both be on their bunk beds listening while we sit on the chair. For some reason I still treasure the cudding on the chair while we still all fit. This particular story time we were listening to a story on tape. Even though Mark is not quite 5 yet we have already started reading short chapter books, as much as we have looked forward to the longer stories with a bit more meat to them, they are above Kyla and she won't sit that long. On the nights that I'm at work I hear that there is a lot more animation to the stories from the comments like "that's not how Daddy reads it".
Instead of Halloween,
Our kido's
Our kids are growing and it's time for an updated photo. This was taken at Thanksgiving. We actually had all 5 kids (cousins on Ray's side)matching for an updated cousin photo shot. As hard as it is to get all 5 kids under 5 smiling and looking at the camera at the same time, somehow we think it's worth it. We think this one of Kyla and Mark is super cute but if you look closely you can see the tears in Kyla's eyes. As Uncle Don says "she always has a precious moments tear drop".
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