Mark has been wanting to go to the skate board park ever since we moved here. He loved seeing cousin Joel riding his skateboard in Winnipeg and when we came home was eager to convince us he wanted to do that too. He doesn't have a skateboard so that was an easy no. Plus he's so little and there is always big kids on it. So far we have avoided it. This week was break through for Mark and actually it was pretty fun to watch for me too.
Mark took his bike on the park and went down into one of the bowls. Head to toe protection thanks to Grandma Joan with elbow and knee pads he is up and down and riding around. The kids are all back in school so going to the skateboard park in the morning is always empty and Mark has the whole thing to himself. Once another 3 year old was there and Mark was excited to have a buddy - Jack! Too bad Jack doesn't live around here and has only been there the once. Mark has really gained a lot of confidence on his bike this summer. From March when we bought it and he couldn't even use the petals till now he is doing tricks while riding around the park - no hands, feet on the handlebar base and now riding in the skateboard park. What a difference. It's a daily activity for sure and his favourite or at least what he asks for the most is going biking with Daddy on his bike.