The two things you will find Kyla wondering around with are Stuffed animals (dolls) or Shoes!!
This is a very typical girl. She will carry her animals around or as here in the picture pile them all around her and snuggle up in them or rest on them. Dolls she loves to cuddle and hug and push in her doll stroller, although she has tried a few times to sit in the doll stroller also and tiny as she is it is not made to hold her mear 21 lbs. Shoes she will carry hers around everywhere hence why it's always hard to leave the house on time finding shoes for her and now she has discovered trying ours on and loves that. Here she is sitting in the box we call our "Shoe box" as it's where Kyla's and Mark's shoes are suppose to go at the front door but Kyla likes to sit in the box and play with all the shoes.
A recent discovery of her's was quite funny. I was droping Mark off at school and put Kyla down to help Mark and she turned around to find the cubby holes for the kids full of shoes. I saw her turn to look at me and I said "no Kyla" and the next moment she had grabbed a bunch of pairs of shoes and pulled them out of the cubbies on to the floor with her. The smile on her face was priceless and you had to laugh!!