Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines

Love Day. That's what our kids call it.

A day that we celebrate all the people we love. Some are far and some are close at hand. The kids received valentines cards in the mail. They were so excited that they created some more to send back. The problem was that I sprained my ankle this week and have been house bound all week. Thus those valentines weren't mailed in time. They finally got mailed and those cousins will receive them next week. A package arrived this week and the kids painfully have waited until today to open it. Mail has always been an excited thing. There is so many reasons why technology works in our world but are we taken away the simple treasures in life?

Valentines Day. A silly holiday in my mind. Why make day different then the rest just to say I love you. Shouldn't we be saying it all the time? I appreicate that Ray got me my flowers last week. It makes them more of a meaningful surprise. Wouldn't we want to be loved all 365 days in a year not just one?

The kids and I love baking together. Cookies, pies, cakes, cinnamon buns. We just love to bake and I love that they help out. It does make it messier but it's more important that they help out in my mind.

This week we baked heart cookies. They each put in an ingreadant or two. They turn the mixmaster on and off. They rolled the dough. They cut out the hearts. They tasted one each. As I wrote on each of them Mark practiced reading the work "LOVE" like a hundred times! Finally they brought them to their classes to share with their friends.
Picture taken by: Mark Peters

Thursday, February 12, 2009

She's a girly, girl

Kyla. She is ALL girl. She loves to dress up and loves to be a princess. Her favorite is Cinderella. It's probably because it's the first Disney princess movie she saw. She's seen moments of other ones but many of them have scary parts. On this day she borrowed our neighbour and friends dress and did the whole Cinderella story as a play for us - 3 year old version. Many parts were mixed up, there was an eagle (which is very apart of the movie) the mean sisters were the ones who turned into pumpkins, she "spelled" everyone and everyone loved each other in the end. Oh it was priceless to see. Lots of spinning around and dancing. I love the imagination that comes with turning 3. She has blossomed so much this year and her creativity and mimicking is so fun to watch.
She's daddy's little girl. One of my favorite parts of going for a walk is seeing this moment.
She'll be a great babysitter someday. She might have been a good big sister but many times a day/ week I'm thankful to be only raising the two. God knows that's all I can handle.
Just give her a 10 years and she'll be watching these cousins of hers.
She loves her new baby cousins. She loves babies and plays with her dolls all the time. Auntie actually gave her a newborn diaper so she could change her (my old) Cabbage patch doll. The one thing we do have to watch is that she can go through an entire box of wipes on that doll if they are not put away. That baby has a lot of poopy diapers!!

my purse

I don't think of myself as boring or repetitive but somethings in life you just love and you never want to change.

I've never been a girly girl when you think of shopping. I attack it like a chore. I know what I want, go in, and get out. Especially something that I know I need or want. Hence why shopping for others doesn't happen very often. I don't just hang out in mall and enjoy it. I'll do it if I need. Oh, I'll go for walks when I know they won't be busy. Inside walks in the winter are better then do walks at all. The new movie shopaholic would be my nightmare of a life I'm sure.

Speaking of shopping...

I purchased a purse 12 years ago at MEC and found it to be the perfect purse for me. I love the number of pockets, the zippers, the snaps. I appreciate the color - BLACK it goes with everything. Ok ok it's not a fancy purse but nor do I dress up fancy more then once a year. It's an every day bag more like it. It suits me perfect.

Now fast forward 12 years and we have a problem. This purse/ bag has been used and abused every day since. It has been left behind many places, washed too many times to count. Full of toys, snacks, pictures, papers, crayons rather then pens. It's been a life savor.

Needless to say it's zippers are tired. It's time to retire.

I went shopping for a new one. I hate shopping.

I went looking in Mexico...never found one I loved.

I came home and realized I just love my purse and wouldn't trade it for anything.

I went on line and bought it again. The exact same one just brand new!!