May long weekend has become a bit of a tradition. It is one of those camping trips that I love and look forward to, yet each year is so different. This year the numbers grew again and the weather was a bit cooler. Not as many people actually swimming but we managed to have a amazing fun time. We had a canoe this year which also was new.
Camping with 13 families and 30 children there is always some one at the fire. There was also always someone riding circles with their bikes - some of them, from the moment they woke till bed time. There were great times of watching kids run and play, bocce games, or football on the grass. Loads of time spent on the beach digging and pouring water and having fun.
There were even times while sitting at the beach people were wrapped in blankets to keep warm.
We all went to the local playground and the kids had a game of 500 with a few of the Dads, there was an partially organized game of soccer with adults and older kids and a small game of soccer with the smaller ones at the same time.