Isn't it exciting when you hear that first sound of birds chirpping and tiny bits of green are starting to stick out of the dirt in the garden.( I have Iris's all over with bits of green- not that I love this many of them) The birds were very noisy today. I love the idea of spring. I guess you can say it's one of my favorite seasons. The new growth, the fresh air, the idea of going out without having to put jackets on myself and the kids. So it's beginning to feel more like spring here. It's not here yet and I know that with the small amount of snow dusted on the houses, but it's close. Fall is my other favourite because of the colours but that's besides the point. Anyways, yesterday was a spring like day. Warm enough to play outside for most of it. Mark is eager for Kyla to play with him as he asked for her to ride on his car and chase him. It was fun for him and me to imagine by the time summer gets here she'll be crawling after him on her on!!