Thursday, August 24, 2006

I'm sorry!!

After a phone call last night, something I read today hit me hard. "Few of us will be recorded in history books after we leave this world. But all of us will leave behind memories with our families and friends. Those closest to us are watching our responses to [life and God] through times of testing and blessing" -Dennis Fisher-..."Some people-problems may never be resolved. It takes two to quarrel: it takes two to reconcile. If you do your part and the problem remains, there is still a plan to follow. Don't let resentment or retaliate with the weapon of silence...Let God work out the problem" -Dennis De Hann-.
Let me just say this: I am sorry to those who I have offended. You know who you are. Family does come 1st in my life (God above all but that is without saying). Some times our actions or words are misinterpreted as it's hard to be sensitive to everyone all at the same time. I try to live the best way I see fit, but because I am human at times I fail miserably.
For some of us it's been a hard, emotional year (other's longer). As long as we know we are family and truly care about each other we should be able to accept each other despite our failures and support each other when needed.
Distance adds something to each of our relationships but that is why I had created this blog in the first place. This blog has been a link for us into the lives of many special friends and them to us and many family members especially because of the distance. Let it be known that I truly appreciate your impact into our lives and hope that what is written here or said/done in person is never meant to hurt but rather it has been a blessing to keep in contact. If I have offended you, please take this as an applology. Life is too short and we need each other.

The Bobcat

A highlight in Mark's week has been his chance to drive in the Bobcat for more than 1/2 an hour. There is a 4 plex beside us going through major renovation. The whole front yard has been dug up for water lines and Mark got to drive with Clayton as he filled in the holes and put the extra dirt into the dump truck. What excitement for a 3 year old. We just happened to be out watching while he was working and Clayton offered to take Mark for a ride. After 5 mins. he stopped and said. If you don't mind we'll just keep working. Mark yelled out "ya mom, we're not done yet". So off they went continuing to work while Kyla and I watched. He hasn't stopped talking about it. Every time the dump truck drives by he says hello to his new buddy Clayton the driver. The site contractor; Ian, and has been incredibly nice to call Mark over to see the demolition of sheds or all the work of these big machines.
We are excited to see another improvement to the area!!


FYI: There has been a few updates, changes and added photo's to a few of the last blogs.

Happy Birthday Kyla

You're our #1 daughter, grand-daughter and neece. Since you're the only one girl it's pretty easy to say that. We all love you and celbrated with you as you turned one this month. Yeah for you. Wow time has flew by. Thank you to eveyone who celebrated with us and for all the great gifts. She loves them and so does big brother.
We had a great party with family in Winnipeg for her and celebrated Grandma and Ray's birthday's too. We also had a fun family and friends party here at the Water Park for our "water baby". Fun picnic and splash in the water. Thanks to all who came out. Here is a few shots of that.