Friday, September 07, 2007

Turning two

After our trip our little girl turned two. The actually "two stage" begins a few months before the birthday but she is offical now.

On her actual birthday we were at the Farmer's Market for kids day with balloons to hold and a bounce house to play in. Mark liked the magician but Kyla didn't really care for it. Later that day she had an unoffical pool party with cupcakes and fun in the community pool (A friend of ours had invited us over and made it like a party).

We had a small tea party with her and 3 friends. The kids were cute pouring the water into their cups and enjoying their crackers and cake. Many people to thank for all the gifts. The sleeping bag bed was appreciated all summer (before her birthday) and the bike has been loved by more than just her. It's cute to see this little girl dress up in her jewlery and mini cell phone in her purse - such a girl at times, yet thankfully she still loves to drive the cars around with her brother!

The end of our summer trip

I guess I never did get back to finishing off our trip here. We had a great time in Vancouver WA, then down to Newport Oregon, then drove up and rode the ferry over to Whidby Island. That was Mark and Kyla's first ferry ride. It was small and short for what we were use to. To the kids it was very cool that our car got to drive onto the boat and we got to go up and see the waves. While on the Island we saw the only full scaled Grey Wale skeleton hanging for public viewing. We all thought it was neat and Mark really liked it. His highlight that day was actually walking out of where the whale was and seeing the jelly fish in the shallow water below the pier. We're finished the trip early for a number of reasons but really enjoyed all the sights we got to see. We stoped in Vancouver to see Antie Shelley and Uncle Levi. Finally we were home and ready for some rest.