Mark having a blast washing our van here. Both him and I were in our bathing suits and he had the hose and I had the soap water. You can just imagine the fun we had. Obviously he aimed at me (like shown here) more than once. I think the neighbours cars/van got 1/2 washed too. At one point he was on my shoulders to hose down the top of the van. Very Fun!! It was very refreshing in the heat of the day.
New Car time....

We all bug Ray more then we really should but it's sort of true. Ray likes to have a different vehicle every few years. We can't even say it's for one specific reason. There is alwasy different reasons. Sometimes it the cost to fix it, maybe gas costs has something to do with it too. Ray hates vans (or any car for that matter) that you can't do simple work on by yourself. This time I think (just my opion) is that we know we are done having kids and don't need a mini van anymore so it's "cooler" to drive a regular car. We looked at many stationwagons but a sadan has been the preference. When we found this car it was perfect. We can fit 2 car seats and a person (like Grandma when she visits every few months) in the back or a 3rd carseat for the rare times of friends coming along. Trunk space is great and for those long trips or camping we could use a car top carrier. I love it too. My favorite is the dual heat controls. It wasn't a selling feature but sure a bonus. We feel like Ray could be in a T-shirt and I would be in a jacket next to him on some of our long trips.
So what did we get you ask.... a VOLVO. 1994, 5 cylinder automatic. It has some things that need to be worked out but it was good trade in for our van. Also very improtant. I didn't want car payments after just getting rid of the van payments when we moved here. Anyways, I think we both like it. Even if we do trade it in 2 or 3 years (which we may but I pray we don't) at least a VOLVO will hold it's value better than a Dodge!!!