Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Many Christmas celebrations

The many Christmas celebrations over this last month are finally all done. We celbrated Christmas 4 times which was nice in some ways - spreading out the gifts and spending time with family not trying to fit in time with everyone all on the same weekend. Too many late nights and not enough sleep yet so much to be thankful for and so blessed by everyone. 1. With Grandma Joan and Auntie Marianne.
* sleding
*picked out our tree
* decorated the house and built the gingerbread train.
* skate board and vacuum were definate hits. There was no comparison to any gift that gave the reaction Mark had when he opened the vacuum.
A week later we celebrated again with Grandpa Dyck and went to the living Nativity production at our chruch. The animals and actors are always amazing. The "Little tikes" Castle and hotwheels were the hit of this weekend as well as the game "Blockus" which I think we have played over a dozen times since. Mark plays it like Tetrus so it's an all-around family game.

The following weekend we went sleding with friends and had a big bond fire up the mountian. The best part of that day is the once a year chance to ride the snow mobile.

Our family Christmas was simple, Christmas eve service, sang Happy Birthday to Jesus and opened gifts then went to sleep over at Grandpa and Grandma Peters' place and play games with the family. Stayed there for Turkey the next day and more family time and our 4th Christmas was Boxing day with the Peters.

Merry Christmas to all and Happy New Year.
Hope your season was fun and filled like ours!!
Our family letter is always a New Years Letter so don't worry you didn't miss it - it just hasn't been sent yet!!

Friday, November 24, 2006

A Kyla story...

The two things you will find Kyla wondering around with are Stuffed animals (dolls) or Shoes!!

This is a very typical girl. She will carry her animals around or as here in the picture pile them all around her and snuggle up in them or rest on them. Dolls she loves to cuddle and hug and push in her doll stroller, although she has tried a few times to sit in the doll stroller also and tiny as she is it is not made to hold her mear 21 lbs. Shoes she will carry hers around everywhere hence why it's always hard to leave the house on time finding shoes for her and now she has discovered trying ours on and loves that. Here she is sitting in the box we call our "Shoe box" as it's where Kyla's and Mark's shoes are suppose to go at the front door but Kyla likes to sit in the box and play with all the shoes.

A recent discovery of her's was quite funny. I was droping Mark off at school and put Kyla down to help Mark and she turned around to find the cubby holes for the kids full of shoes. I saw her turn to look at me and I said "no Kyla" and the next moment she had grabbed a bunch of pairs of shoes and pulled them out of the cubbies on to the floor with her. The smile on her face was priceless and you had to laugh!!


We are not usually promoters of this holiday and we really didn't encourage it but the kids do dress up. Acutally Mark went to a Noah's Ark party at school and Halloween night not trick or treating anyways. The kids love to dress up so that part is fun and harmless. Mark was a Pariot again and Kyla was a bunny. He later dressed up as a caterpillar and a dragon too.
Mark also went to a Princess Party and was a knight but called himself a Prince. He said
" I'm the prince and I'm going to marry all the princesses"!! Cute thought.

Friday, October 27, 2006


On the way to see family we had a great stop in Calgary visiting friends that we cherish dearly. A couple that we appreciate and yet see so little. It was wonderful to watch our sons play together running around the farm, playing with toys and chasing the dog. Thanks Marya and Devin for letting us crash your house for the night!!
Kyla wasn't so sure of this cat but little did she know the next day she would be in a house with 3 of them. She is definately a dog lover!!

We had a great family time this Thanksgiving. Thanks to Marianne for allowing the families to invade her domain. Or should we really say Thanks to the cats as all 3 were over come with children in thier space if not chasing them.

The kids had a great time outside. Boys riding bikes, throwing leaves and just playing!! (Don and Ray did take the boys mini golfing but I don't have photo's of that.)
Kyla was outside there too and went for a nice walk with Grandma - first time they had seen Kyla walking!!

Thanksgiving dinner...Supper is always a challenge in our house so why would Mark be any different here!! Auntie Marianne came to the rescue and had a race with him. Poor Marianne had the torture of her own childhood being at the kids table the longest and now as an adult she is back at the kids table!! We love you Marianne!!!

This following photo was taken by a up and coming photo expert!! It was taken by a 5year old!!
Thanks JOEL!!

Well that is our summary of Thanksgiving. It was a memerable experience. Another year gone by and THANKS to all our family and friends for being apart of our lives wether!!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

October Update

It's been awhile since I last updated this blog and I appoligize. I guess that means life has been busy here. Among my work 3 evenings a week, Ray working all day and coming home to be Dad with the kids by himself, playgroup & take-a-break starting at church, Mark's Preschool, and trying to have a family life and see friends the time just flies by.

We went apple picking which provided us a lot of apples for free but after 16 jars of apple sauce, 8 pies, 4 crisps, there is still a box full of apples to do something with...

Mark's first day of Preschool...

Some how we find those quiet moments and capture them on film.
Here Mark and Kyla are both reading thier Bibles on the kitchen floor. Mark was matching his Bible pages with Kyla's.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Pirates are a hot topic in this house. Not too sure when it all began but in the last few months it's been very HUGE!! Maybe from Peter Pan, or Dora when we went to the live show and Mark saw the Pirate piggies stealing the treasure, when we went to visit cousins Joel and Josh and got swords and a treasure chest from McDonald's and went to a Pirate birthday party all dressed up like Pirates. Many stories chosen from the library have Pirates in them and now the latest and most fascinating toy in the house is a Pirate ship donated by friends who are done playing with it!! It has 5 pirate men, a large Pirate ship with a cannon that shoots 2 cannons rolling across the floor, a small row boat the Pirates use to get closer to the treasure or save people with and binoculars that the pirates use to watch for people. At first with the pirate men shooting I was not so impressed but when I talked to Mark that we don't shoot people he said "but mom it's shooting blueberries at you, so you should open your mouth to catch them their delicious!" Oh, the joys of innocent play!! We have tried so hard to not have guns and the sort in the house for play but it is so hard with boys they use anything as a sword or gun even if it's just their finger and nothing else.
Boys will be boys as the saying goes!!
Ahy ahy captain and tally ho!!

The hole

Here is the actual hole size now that Ray has framed it in, removed the 5 studs and rewired the lights and fan. A lot more work this time but all completed within a weekend so very impressive. Next comes the molding just like the other hole. It really brings a new look to th room and hopfully we'll get a nice picture for the other wall in entrance way. It has been great to look throught the whole to say hello to peole coming in or goodbye as guests are leaving without all standing in a small enterance way!
Sorry I didn't take the picture until now. This last weekend Ray was gone on the men's retreat and I tried overcomming my fear of heights and painting the entrance way but I couldn't complete it and left 1/2 of it still for him to do. I don't know; something about being home alone with the kids sleeping, climbing up a ladder when I am already afriad of heights! I just couldn't do it. Also, each time I seemed to move the ladder the kids woke up in nightmares so it really wasn't worth all the up and down to try again for a second coat. Ray will just have to do it himself some time. So for now here is the update so you don't think we just left the wall with 2 small holes (hey Mel!!)

Friday, September 15, 2006

Another whole in our wall!!

More wholes in our walls!! Ray has been wanting to do two windows in our walls all along and I have been hesitant. Once our first whole in the wall was done I loved it. It brightens the whole living room. After going to a neighbor complex that is currently under reno's and I saw the half wall from the living room to the entrance way I realized Ray was right and it would look great. So we knocked out another whole in our wall yesterday. Wiring will add a bit more time to the project this time but I am very excited.

Mark loves to say "Surprise" to the people coming in the front door!!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Skateboard Park

Mark has been wanting to go to the skate board park ever since we moved here. He loved seeing cousin Joel riding his skateboard in Winnipeg and when we came home was eager to convince us he wanted to do that too. He doesn't have a skateboard so that was an easy no. Plus he's so little and there is always big kids on it. So far we have avoided it. This week was break through for Mark and actually it was pretty fun to watch for me too.
Mark took his bike on the park and went down into one of the bowls. Head to toe protection thanks to Grandma Joan with elbow and knee pads he is up and down and riding around. The kids are all back in school so going to the skateboard park in the morning is always empty and Mark has the whole thing to himself. Once another 3 year old was there and Mark was excited to have a buddy - Jack! Too bad Jack doesn't live around here and has only been there the once. Mark has really gained a lot of confidence on his bike this summer. From March when we bought it and he couldn't even use the petals till now he is doing tricks while riding around the park - no hands, feet on the handlebar base and now riding in the skateboard park. What a difference. It's a daily activity for sure and his favourite or at least what he asks for the most is going biking with Daddy on his bike.

1 Step, 2 Step, 34 Steps!

Kyla took her first 3 steps the day before her birthday. For the last month that's all she has choose to do 3 or 5 steps. We could help her by holding her hands and she would do more. Or if she was pushing her stroller and baby or the walker she would do more but not without the help. Then last Tuesday while Ray was home with the kids Kyla took 34 steps with no help! Yeah!!! (the life of being a working mom I miss stuff). So she was exactly 13 months old when she started walking. Now she gets up and walks everywhere. Crawling is still faster if she's racing Mark but we love to see this little body walking all over. Mark has been a hoot to watch. As we sit and encourage Kyla to walk back and forth to us Mark wants to try too. He'll walk back and forth to us all wobbly like Kyla and want the same cheering. He'll fall just before getting to us just to be like Kyla. We've had such fun.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Camping in early fall

The summer is over but it's still hot here and we can still enjoy the 30+ weather while it lasts. Hard to believe it's September and we're camping with kids. Grandpa and Grandma have a trailer so there was many times in there. Also having showers available and a store just down the path for icecream or coffee in the morning for Auntie and Uncle helps too!!. Definately fun spending time in the mountains and on the lake (beach really and kayaking) with family.

Mark had his bike along and thank goodness he did, as he was on it even before breakfast was ready and all the way until nightfall. Even better when cousin Kaden came and had his scooter to ride with. It was special to know this is somewhere my family went camping as a family and where Ray's family went and still goes.

Just as we were leaving the campground we made one more stop on the way home. The Kokanee Salmon are in full stage of sponing and moving up the river. There were hundreds of red, large salmon. Most were the length of Mark's arm- fingers to shoulders. All fighting their way up the river and even splashed us once. Mark's favorite part was seeing all the dead fish - gross says mommy!!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

I'm sorry!!

After a phone call last night, something I read today hit me hard. "Few of us will be recorded in history books after we leave this world. But all of us will leave behind memories with our families and friends. Those closest to us are watching our responses to [life and God] through times of testing and blessing" -Dennis Fisher-..."Some people-problems may never be resolved. It takes two to quarrel: it takes two to reconcile. If you do your part and the problem remains, there is still a plan to follow. Don't let resentment or retaliate with the weapon of silence...Let God work out the problem" -Dennis De Hann-.
Let me just say this: I am sorry to those who I have offended. You know who you are. Family does come 1st in my life (God above all but that is without saying). Some times our actions or words are misinterpreted as it's hard to be sensitive to everyone all at the same time. I try to live the best way I see fit, but because I am human at times I fail miserably.
For some of us it's been a hard, emotional year (other's longer). As long as we know we are family and truly care about each other we should be able to accept each other despite our failures and support each other when needed.
Distance adds something to each of our relationships but that is why I had created this blog in the first place. This blog has been a link for us into the lives of many special friends and them to us and many family members especially because of the distance. Let it be known that I truly appreciate your impact into our lives and hope that what is written here or said/done in person is never meant to hurt but rather it has been a blessing to keep in contact. If I have offended you, please take this as an applology. Life is too short and we need each other.

The Bobcat

A highlight in Mark's week has been his chance to drive in the Bobcat for more than 1/2 an hour. There is a 4 plex beside us going through major renovation. The whole front yard has been dug up for water lines and Mark got to drive with Clayton as he filled in the holes and put the extra dirt into the dump truck. What excitement for a 3 year old. We just happened to be out watching while he was working and Clayton offered to take Mark for a ride. After 5 mins. he stopped and said. If you don't mind we'll just keep working. Mark yelled out "ya mom, we're not done yet". So off they went continuing to work while Kyla and I watched. He hasn't stopped talking about it. Every time the dump truck drives by he says hello to his new buddy Clayton the driver. The site contractor; Ian, and has been incredibly nice to call Mark over to see the demolition of sheds or all the work of these big machines.
We are excited to see another improvement to the area!!


FYI: There has been a few updates, changes and added photo's to a few of the last blogs.

Happy Birthday Kyla

You're our #1 daughter, grand-daughter and neece. Since you're the only one girl it's pretty easy to say that. We all love you and celbrated with you as you turned one this month. Yeah for you. Wow time has flew by. Thank you to eveyone who celebrated with us and for all the great gifts. She loves them and so does big brother.
We had a great party with family in Winnipeg for her and celebrated Grandma and Ray's birthday's too. We also had a fun family and friends party here at the Water Park for our "water baby". Fun picnic and splash in the water. Thanks to all who came out. Here is a few shots of that.

Monday, August 14, 2006


Our trip to Toronto was short. We were there for just over 36 hours. Dad got married so that was the reason for the trip in the first place. While we were there Kyla had her second time hanging out with Grandpa as seen here at breakfast.

Us sister's also had some good shopping time at outlet malls which is a must in Mississauga (Birthday & Christmas shopping started!!). Glad all three of us sister's were there, important for all three of us to be there to support eachother. From my perspective very happy Ray was able to come too! Dad I know you wanted us all there and there's no way we could have afford it with out your help so thanks.

So good to see Marianne and have that time with her. Kyla loved the extra cuddles too. We only get to see her twice or so a year so it's always good.
It was also good so see Auntie Alma from Texas which hasn't happened for Ray and I since we were engaged.
While we were there Dad brought out our childhood treasures that had been lost in storage for years. I was able to pass on my treasured Cabbage Patch Kid doll to Kyla for her 1st birthday and was almost brought to tears as we poured over photo albums. For those of you who don't know I lost ALL my childhood photos' (that's 8 Albums of photo's) to a mini sewage flood 1 1/2 years ago and thought those were my only copies. Luckly mom had made doubles of the ones they took. Many are still lost as they were from my own camera but alteast there are some to choose from. My dreams of a childhood scrapbook are not lost after all. Oh the joy.
For Ray and I it was the 1st chance to meet Carolyn and her girls too. There was car decorating and other decorating to be done. Dad I'm sure was glad Ray had come and was able to help with lots of that too.

As for the pictures below; between the wedding and the reception there was some time to spare. As it happened we had been there the day before for the decorating and noticed the driving range beside the Hall. Believe me every wedding needs some wacky thing to happen on it to make it more memorable (right Mel!!). Anyways, we took Dad's clubs to the reception and got a bucket of balls for us to hit while we waited and saved a few for Dad and Carolyn to hit when they arrived. For Marianne and Mel this was a first time ever hitting a golf ball. Marianne I really hope this opens many doors for you and Mel I hope you and Don are able to pick it up some for a date nights. I hope Ray and I will too as this is something I use to do alot before and Ray does now but somehow it's been a "guys thing". We had many wedding guests watching and laughing at us (especially us girls in our dresses - Ray just looked good and shot way better then us) but we had fun and really that's all that matters.

Thursday, August 03, 2006


TRAVEL...It's brings a whole new meaning to the word when you add two children to the mix of the term. I also had "emotional" added to my 'travel experience' (mostly the next trip to Toronto) so that can change things too. It was increadably good to see friends and family and yet increadably hard to say 'goodbyes' again. We had a great time on our trip and love and appreicated all the time with family and friends. I've been asked to decrease my number of words here (but, don't we all have so many per day we need to get out!) so we'll just have to let the pictures say it all. I will say this: THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO BLESSED US WITH YOUR TIME ON THIS TRIP - YOUR INVESTMENT INTO OUR LIVES MEANS WONDERS!!!

A wonderful time with cousins...we love watching the boys together and how they interact with Kyla...
Great time with Grandma...

Fun times with Uncle and Aunties...

A great time with friends... believe it or not this breakfast picture has people from all over the world. We were just missing 2 special people for this reunion.

Fun times with cousins (and one girl friend) out for a picnic supper and a great game of beach ball volleyball and bocce with Mark as the tunnel to throw the balls through. Mark and Kyla were having fun in the sand while we tried to volley and for Boccee depending on how much you bribed Mark he even helped you win the game by moving one yellow ball closer to the other yellow ball or how about that blue ball near the white ball Mark!! Good thing he doesn't quite get the rules yet but in a year or two and he's the one trying to win I don't know how changing the rules will work so well. Thanks guys!! It was good to see you there. We sure miss out on all that "hanging out" time with you being so far away.

Our Toronto trip will be on the next blog and that was a harder trip to describe.