Recently Ray bought a new toy for himself...and a helmet for Mark so he could come too.
He found a very well taken care of 1987 Kawasaki 454.
He came home with the biggest smirk on his face and a gleam in his eye to tell me what he had found.
A friend of ours (Dan) bought a sports bike last year around the same time that Ray sold his old bike...I'm happy for the tent trailer that replaced the old bike but I have known all a long this man loves the idea of owning his own bike and it was only a matter of time for him to get another one. Now they're both working on another friend of theirs to get one too....I think there might be a brother who would love to join if he could...(too bad he had to sell his off a few years ago)
The two guys went off riding the other day and and came back with proper jackets at least. (heard about a great bike sale)...At least I feel better knowing he's protected and being as safe as he can be
Mark has been waiting his turn to ride on the back and now loves it too!!
Here are my Proud Bike owning men!