Thursday, March 22, 2007

My birthday

So a few people asked why I posted about Mark and not about me. Yep, we all still have birthday's the kids just usually get the bigger celebrations. Mine is not a big number until next year so wasn't too over board this year. I guess it was still emotional a bit for me as I thought a lot about life; dreams and goals, where I'm at, and my spiritual walk.

The week of my birthday was horrible. I had one request for the Saturday - no throwing up, no diahrea, no pee accidents - NO BODILY FLUIDS!! It almost worked. Kyla was so excited to get food after having a week of not feeling like eating or not keeping anything down, she stuffed her mouth full and gaged. Almost made it.

Anyways, we had a fun night and the picture shows it - Thanks to Montana's.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Mark Turning 4

Mark celebrated his 4th birthday a few times. With Grandma Joan here in February we had an early birthday celbration and opening presents. In March on the 17th he recieved his present from Grandpa Dyck in the mail and opened that, and the next day he had his party with 10 friends and finally his actually birthday we went out for lunch with extended family. Wow this boy is loved!!

Here's just a few snap shots...
Birthday cake took 2 hours to decorate - my first time.

Pinata was created with the help of Grandma Joan - thanks. Too bad we made it too thick for the kids to break.

Soccer hop from Auntie Marianne was a hit by both Mark and Kyla

Scooter from cousin Kaden has been fun to ride outside!