Saturday, October 31, 2009


Although neither of us were raised to participate in this holiday we both feel pumpkin carving is Innocent enough.
We allow our kids to dress up as long as it's not scary. Actually it was animals only for the first few years or something they want to be when they grow up. More recently allowing a few characters like Batman or Spider man. Mark's answer to the "What do you want to be when you grow up" question, remains to be "A DAD" and he didn't want to dress up like that.

We have taken them to a church carnival idea for the last few years and hit a few houses on our way home. This reminds me of what we did a number of times as kids. We often did not trick or treat as kids but attended a function that we got candy at.
Why fill our kids with candy they don't need?
Why participate in a holiday that endorses evil?

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Thanksgiving in Ontario


The biggest surprise of all was a great experience of fun at the hotel! Hours of laughing, running stairs and splashing with the kids, and catching moments in the hot tub!

went to see Mikaela at work...thanks Auntie Mikaela

The kids sure loved the animals around...but did the animals love the kids???

Dad took Ray, Mark and I for a walk. These crevasse were amazing!

This cat supposedly doesn't like males but ray got it to come and cuddle by the end of the weekend...a true cat lover!

after thanksgiving dinner, grandpa and mark compared roars!

Only a true server can carry three pies...the competition was on to see which pumpkin pie was better...good think Mikaela's work place won!

This year we wanted to spend time with my Dad and family. We really hadn't spend very much time with Jessica and Mikaela in the last three years so it was definitely time, and time to come to Dad and Carolyn's home instead of them coming our way!

Each week we are on skype with Dad and Carolyn but it doesn't compare to the time spent in person.