Pirates are a hot topic in this house. Not too sure when it all began but in the last few months it's been very HUGE!! Maybe from Peter Pan, or Dora when we went to the live show and Mark saw the Pirate piggies stealing the treasure, when we went to visit cousins Joel and Josh and got swords and a treasure chest from McDonald's and went to a Pirate birthday party all dressed up like Pirates. Many stories chosen from the library have Pirates in them and now the latest and most fascinating toy in the house is a Pirate ship donated by friends who are done playing with it!! It has 5 pirate men, a large Pirate ship with a cannon that shoots 2 cannons rolling across the floor, a small row boat the Pirates use to get closer to the treasure or save people with and binoculars that the pirates use to watch for people. At first with the pirate men shooting I was not so impressed but when I talked to Mark that we don't shoot people he said "but mom it's shooting blueberries at you, so you should open your mouth to catch them their delicious!" Oh, the joys of innocent play!! We have tried so hard to not have guns and the sort in the house for play but it is so hard with boys they use anything as a s

Boys will be boys as the saying goes!!
Ahy ahy captain and tally ho!!