Saturday, September 26, 2009

September long part two

New camping buddies. A beautiful place to explore.
A wet weekend but started off on the beach shore.
The lake wasn't as warm so late in the year.
Paddle boating is exercise when on holidays that's for sure.
Burried in sand the kids all were dirty.
Games were played and kids interacted. A campground full of Burger king attaction. (without the fast food).
A fire band resounded, but the BBQ we surrounded.
(Mark said, Uncle Karl taught us in Aug. that nothing stops smores on a camping trip!)

September long part one

Thanks for the visit Barb and Gary!!

The front swing

An excuse for me to use a power tool and climb a ladder.
An excuse for kids to swing and spin.
An excuse for neighbours to come and play.
Really, there was no excuse, they asked and I built.

Creative kids

Mark is a very creative kid. He is passionate about making things, building, discovering, creating, drawing. He has a favorite craft book that he refers to often. One that he specifically gave his cousin Tobias and wanted to make sure cousin Kaden had one too. It is full of experiments and craft ideas.
This one was a repeated even at Auntie Karen's. The volcano explosion is for every kid to create. If you notice in this picture, Kyla's is opposite and a different colour...

Kyla is a girl as cute as a button. She set up her tea party for all her dolls and asked for popcorn to share with them. A favorite snack. She sure didn't mind when Curly Whirley and Cowey wanted to share their portions.


An important stop along the way home was a visit to see the Dinosaurs. The one that actually roared was the best part for the kids. We looked at all the exhibits but honestly knew that our kids were abit to young to really focus for too long. In the future it would be good to see the actual RTM but this time round we choose to stop and do the exporation world. I wouldn't give it a great review but if you are intersted in a shorter, more hands on experience it's the way to go with younger (tired from driving) kids.

Simpson's visit

Hard to believe I am so late in posting this...I've just been so busy and only now getting a chance to make some major updates.

This posting is from our trip home in Aug when we stoped into Eston to visit Ray's sister.

It was great to see their cute home. Their first really "home". The favorite spot for our kids, in the whole house is the 6Th bedroom. A door to the ac tic that is perfect height for Kyla. Cute trim along the top with the periwinkle blue walls. It is located at the top of a long steep stair case and off to the side which was perfect place for kids to run and hide. They opened the door and sat on the carpet discovered inside, and with flashlights in hand, just sat in their glorious hideout. The funniest thing I have ever seen is a baby with a cigar as one of her favorite toys! At least we know she will grow up well rounded in life experiences!!

The gracious host at the kitchen counter. Preparing a supper for the guests who arrived only 4 days after she moved in. Amazingly the house was in great order with most boxes hidden away and books filled the shelves. Even if it wasn't in any order we were not looking. We only came to show how much we love and miss them. To see their town and spend time with them.

Creativity has no limits. Take any two kids and give them a box and watch to see what they come up with. Now take two kids and give them a room filled with empty boxes and watch the fort be built.

The children all gathered around the three little kittens. We came over to meet the little pet to whom Avery would soon acquire only to have our children bagging to take one too. 16 hours of driving is no way to start off a life with a kitten. There's always more at home to acquire. (which we haven't in case anyone is wondering)!!

extended family

It's not very often you get a chance to all come together as a family, actually come to think of it, it really is a new family and therefore a first chance.
It was nice to take a moment after the wedding to catch us all for a few snap shots.

For those friends of ours reading this and not in my family...
Back row: Don, Mark, Ray, Carolyn, Dad
Middle: Melissa, Marianne, Mom, Melody
Front: Joel, Josh, Tobias, Mark and Kyla