A wonderful time with cousins...we love watching the boys together and how they interact with Kyla...
Great time with Grandma...

Fun times with Uncle and Aunties...

A great time with friends... believe it or not this breakfast picture has people from all over the world. We were just missing 2 special people for this reunion.

Fun times with cousins (and one girl friend) out for a picnic supper and a great game of beach ball volleyball and bocce with Mark as the tunnel to throw the balls through. Mark and Kyla were having fun in the sand while we tried to volley and for Boccee depending on how much you bribed Mark he even helped you win the game by moving one yellow ball closer to the other yellow ball or how about that blue ball near the white ball Mark!! Good thing he doesn't quite get the rules yet but in a year or two and he's the one trying to win I don't know how changing the rules will work so well. Thanks guys!! It was good to see you there. We sure miss out on all that "hanging out" time with you being so far away.

Our Toronto trip will be on the next blog and that was a harder trip to describe.