So here's Mark in his new mode of transportation. It has become very handy when I have to transport two boys (while I look after one other in the mornings) and Kyla in the snuggly up the hill to playgroup and it also works with Kyla and Mark going for a walk. Mark is currently on his first bike ride in it with Daddy - it's such a nice "spring" day he just couldn't pass up the opportunity to go out for a ride. Mark loves this trailer and has been looking forward to going on a bike ride in it.

Ok, Ok this isn't really a mode of transportation and Kyla can't really pull herself up to a stand yet but she sure loves standing and holding on to the couch or chair. She IS however CRAWLING!!! just started too with her first movements on March 3rd. She moved almost the length of the loveseat. She is pretty proud of herself when she's trying and can move from sitting to leaning forward into a crawl postion already so there's no stopping her now. She is already 1 week ahead of Mark in this development so I think we're in for it with very BUSY kids!!