Saturday, June 04, 2011


This year Mark is a Red Robin tadpole. Baseball has brought a new time schedual to our lives working around practices and games, as well as tournaments.

This year the kids are each getting a chance to try being a new position - back catcher. The coaches have been this position up until this year. The fun part of watching your kid in a sport is seeing how each year they improve their skills as well as watching them being a part of a team.

Mark's favorite position is now back catcher - a toss up between that one and first base.

Luckily this year Mark has a few friends on his team. Lucky for him, as wells as for us watching as we have that many more people to visit with while watching.

We had a great day a few Saturdays ago where we went to watch Kaden's soccer game, have a picnic lunch followed by everyone staying and watching Mark's baseball game.

At one point I sat there and took in all the familiar faces and knew that we are blessed with family and friends who support and encourage each of us and our kids.

You know that old saying; it takes a village to raise a kid - so often I think of that when dealing with problems in raising kids but, you sure feel supported and loved when family and friends surround you in life's simple events while you are raising your kids too!