Us sister's also had some good shopping time at outlet malls which is a must in Mississauga (Birthday & Christmas shopping started!!). Glad all three of us sister's were there, important for all three of us to be there to support eachother. From my perspective very happy Ray was able to come too! Dad I know you wanted us all there and there's no way we could have afford it with out your help so thanks.

So good to see Marianne and have that time with her. Kyla loved the extra cuddles too. We only get to see her twice or so a year so it's always good.
It was also good so see Auntie Alma from Texas which hasn't happened for Ray and I since we were engaged.
While we were there Dad brought out our childhood treasures that had been lost in storage for years. I was able to pass on my treasured Cabbage Patch Kid doll to Kyla for her 1st birthday and was almost brought to tears as we poured over photo albums. For those of you who don't know I lost ALL my childhood photos' (that's 8 Albums of photo's) to a mini sewage flood 1 1/2 years ago and thought those were my only copies. Luckly mom had made doubles of the ones they took. Many are still lost as they were from my own camera but alteast there are some to choose from. My dreams of a childhood scrapbook are not lost after all. Oh the joy.
For Ray and I it was the 1st chance to meet Carolyn and her girls too. There was car decorating and other decorating to be done. Dad I'm sure was glad Ray had come and was able to help with lots of that too.
As for the pictures below; between the wedding and the reception there was some time to spare. As it happened we had been there the day before for the decorating and noticed the driving range beside the Hall. Believe me every wedding needs some wacky thing to happen on it to make it more memorable (right Mel!!). Anyways, we took Dad's clubs to the reception and got a bucket of balls for us to hit while we waited and saved a few for Dad and Carolyn to hit when they arrived. For Marianne and Mel this was a first time ever hitting a golf ball. Marianne I really hope this opens many doors for you and Mel I hope you and Don are able to pick it up some for a date nights. I hope Ray and I will too as this is something I use to do alot before and Ray does now but somehow it's been a "guys thing". We had many wedding guests watching and laughing at us (especially us girls in our dresses - Ray just looked good and shot way better then us) but we had fun and really that's all that matters.