Thursday, April 20, 2006

Happy Easter

Hope everyone had a great Easter. We had a mini family gathering over the holiday and it was sort of nastalgic in a way. Going back to camp always brings back so many memories. I remember every year looking forward to the summer season beginning so camp would start again. Obviously very different this time around as there wasn't any other camp staff around nor campers everywhere but we sure enjoyed the facilities - cabin, field to play soccer in and a bit of floor hockey as well as roasting marshmallows in "camp" fire. Great location for us to gather together and have fun as well as being close enough to go back into the city for more fun at the wave pool & shopping gallery (yeah for outlet malls!!).

Anyways, the boys were so excited to see each other after 8mths it was definitely time. Josh was just what I expected - full of cuddles for Kyla. Mark has not stopped talking about all the fun they had and even wanted to watched again family videos of Joel and Josh at their home and the slide show of all the pictures from the weekend.

Kyla showed off her crawling and smile for everyone and had her fist experience with dogs and cats - seems to be curious about them both. Mark gave her all his empty easter eggs to play with as long as he knew they were the empty ones. He is sharing more - on his terms though!!

The drive was good except that we felt like we were going through many different time zones from Spring to Winter to Fall weather, back to Winter snow storms and arriving home to Spring. Glad to be home yet the kids are both sick so it's not been fun this week but otherwise life is back to normal. So thanks Mom, Marianne, Mel & Don, Don's parents & sister and Joel & Josh for a great weekend!!