Grandpa arrived and Mark was very excited to see him. Thanks Dad for coming! "My very own Grandpa" Mark said, and "Grandpa is Santa cause we can open presents when he comes". I love childhood comprehension of life. Really at this point I don't think it will matter if we don't teach him the difference. Mark had a great time playing with Grandpa. One of Mark's favorite games is puppets. It's sort of like hide and seek in his mind, with stuffed animals as they hide then come up. He is also really enjoying playing hide and seek with us. Being 2yrs he will say "Let's play hide and seek. I hide 'under the blanket' (or wherever it is) and you count.
We did open the presents and now the tree looks a bit bare. I actually think I might be ok with it coming down this week already. I can remember thinking Christmas trees can not be taken down until 1/2 way through January but I am ready for cleaning it up and having more space in this livingroom.
We also took in some hiking with Grandpa. Sort of remenising for Dad and I. We spent may hours hiking in the mountains years ago, so it was nice to get out and smell the cedars and enjoy God's creation this time of year. Mark was disappointed to not find that much snow to have snowball fights with Grandpa and Mom and Dad.
Well, Dad finally met Kyla and over the time of his visit she discovered more of her voice. That was great to see and hear. Laughing and making lots of loud cooing noises. Her voice is surprising low for a girl and yet she has a pretty high pitched cry when she wants too. The best laughing happened in the jolly jumper as mark swung her around and back and forth. I love watching him interact with her more and more.
Dad joined us with Ray's family for Christmas dinner. Went for a walk, played games and had a slide show (Always great to laugh at clothes and how people have changed.) Thanks Dad for coming even though it wasn't our family. I appreciated it.