Friday, January 19, 2007

New Years Resolutions

New years resolutions are garbage. No one ever mets them, and really we set ourselves us for failure most of the time. I have life goals that I would like to achieve but nothing that I would place a time restraint on really. The only one exception came a year ago when my cousin Josh wrote in his blog that he and his friends had challenged eachother to count the number of books they read that year. I took on the challenge. I am not a reader. Nor would the books I read compare the the "Hemmingway" type of books Josh reads. You probably guessed from all my blogging I am a horrible speller. That is thanks to my Grade 7 year of education when the school decided to cancel all grammer lessons. Seriously no joke, we had none. The following year they realized what a mistake they made and fixed the problem but this is beside the point. I have not been a reader most of my life. My goal this last year was 12 books. I surpassed it and read 20!! Yeah for me!! With two kids, work, home life, friends and all, I am pretty proud of myself. My goal this year is 24. I actually enjoy reading now.


Lisa-Joy & John Gunter said...

I'm the worst reader. Ever. I read a lot on the web, but Lisa-Joy says that doesn't count. I'm like, "It's Wikipedia, though, that's gotta count for something!?!" Still, no dice.

John's 2006 book count:
- most of "The Ecology of Commerce". And it's only, like, 250 pages.

That's it. Isn't that awful? I'm almost ashamed to hit the 'Publish' button.

Cory and Tash Doerksen said...

John do not feel bad I started a few books but did not finish. One stared out good but I think the book gave me narkalepcy, I could not survive 10 min. without falling asleep. I got a good book by Rob Bell called Velvet Elvis. I will now try to beat last years book count.


Lisa-Joy & John Gunter said...

The book gave you narcolepsy! That's hilarious. In bed each night I read a page of my Wired mag and by the end need toothpicks to pry my eye-lids open. No joke.

Wired gave me narcolepsy!