We have a daughter that seems to think she is a hobbit(Lord of the Rings series)...She has first breakfast and second breakfast...she has 11ees and 1st and 2ND lunch...Some times that is an exaggeration but often that is honestly how our little skinny girl eats. Why am I telling you this...our family has also started a Christmas tradition the last few years and have a 1st Christmas, 2ND Christmas and sometimes a 3rd Christmas. It sounds a bit crazy but we love when family comes to visit early in December. We would much rather family come and celebrate early with them then not at all. That is exactly what happened again this year. Mom came from Wpg early this year and we had our 1st Christmas.
We planned on having Turkey Dinner with Grandma while she was here and invited Gramma and Grandpa to join us.

Grandma and Mark wanted to decorate our table for Turkey Dinner and I didn't have any napkin holders....what would most people do? Go without. What would two greatly creative people do? Make napkin holders just an hour before the guests arrived. They turned out great and even more, Mark was so proud of his first time using the hot glue gun on his own (with supervision!)

Great job both of you...it make the table look great!
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