Thursday, January 21, 2010

Peters Christmas

The day of family time started with all the men making breakfast. What an amazing idea. THANK YOU MEN!!!!
When it came time to open gifts from Gramma and Grandpa, all the kids had to lay down and calm down. It was amazing how fast and well it worked.
Dressing up for the Nativity Story...Grandpa and Gramma build and put on a Nativity Story play with the grand kids earlier this December

reading with Auntie Karen

Dad made amazing bird houses from the piano
The boys got piano pieces to build with
Kyla (and Avery) got their very own Cabbage Patch dolls

Visiting time...

Mark and Kaden
Wrestling with uncle Levi


1 comment:

Shelley said...

Ha ha ha!! That last photo of me playing ping pong makes me look AWESOME!!! Truth be told, I conceded pretty quick because me against three nephews was disasterous!