This was Dad talking on the phone with his sister.
This moment was memorable...Dad had a burst of energy and said he needed to show me something important downstairs. I said, tell me what it is and I'll get it, but he refused and said he needed to show me. We carefully went downstairs and he showed me something in the office but right way he asked "where's Ray". Ray had stayed upstairs so I called for him and low and behold, Dad had wanted to play pool. He was like a boy in a toy shop getting away with something. It was so fun to see him light up with joy as he played with Ray. As soon as he heard Carolyn's footsteps he got silly and joked that he was going to get in trouble. Carolyn didn't mind when she found out it was more that he needed to know his own strength - it's one thing to go down the stairs and a whole different thing to go up. It was a memory we will cherish.
Cherished moments with his sister Alma who came all the way from Texas. They spent time talking and Alma took good care of the pets while she visited there too.
Just being there with Carolyn. Talking and supporting her. Time to sit and talk and help that seem so hard from far way. And let her know how much we appreciate all she is doing for our Dad.
Thursday morning Dad woke up and remembered that it was Thursday - his bible study morning. Although he wouldn't be going it was great to see his alertness and knowing people were praying for him.
Alma anointed him with oil as we prayed over him. A moment of tears and powerful prayer. Dad also turned and prayed with Ray. A shared heart for India and a testimony to see two men have a heart for God, family and missions.

Another surprising moment was when Dad was feeling good enough to drive to the store with us and drive the cart around to pick up some food. Since he wasn't eating much it was good to see him picking out somethings he wanted and getting out of the house for a bit. A change of scenery for anyone can make a big difference.
Another surprising moment was when Dad was feeling good enough to drive to the store with us and drive the cart around to pick up some food. Since he wasn't eating much it was good to see him picking out somethings he wanted and getting out of the house for a bit. A change of scenery for anyone can make a big difference.
Melissa, Marianne and Don arrived to visit also. It had been along time since the group of us were together so it was great to get out for breakfast and recap. My Blondie moments were the brunt of a few jokes but otherwise it was great to catch up.
We took some time to as girls to get out and have our toe nails done. Time spent with Mikeala was meaningful and great to all be sisters together.
Don had the "privilege" to carve the cow heart for Carolyn - a job she wasn't sure what to do with. A gift from a local for Nana and the cats. The funny thing was watching how Nala got so excited with the smells and waited - I don't think I would say patiently but excitedly for anything to drop or be given to her. The cats on the other hand were less enthusisaic about it all. Animals lovers and pet owners will appreciate all the time and work and love these pets receive.
We enjoyed the treat of being served by our own family at the icecream parlor. That was the best dark chocoate icecream I have ever had. Thanks for the treat.
All in all, the moments with family was amazing. Time spent with Dad was more than words can express. We went thinking the worst and left with cherished moments that will hold us through this time. Time to talk face to face and say goodbye, read letters writen to eachother, pray together, remember the past and bless eachother with the love of quality time.
I love you Dad!
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