This week has been the beginnings of our family entering the public school system. What an exciting change and yet overwhelming all at the same time. Here is the typical 1st day of school photo shot. Stand at the door and say cheese! Got to love how easy it is to take a picture of two very excited kids!!
Our kid is old enough for Kindergarten and the other is old enough to go to preschool. Is that not scary in itself? I think we're both ready for him to go to school and learn. I know he is. Mark started asking a month ago when he would start learning to read. He loved the idea that he was already starting by learning his letters and the sounds. It's a four step process I told him; 1. learn your letters. 2. learn the sounds the letters make. 3. put the sounds together. 4 memorize the words that you know. Kyla loves that she is going to school too. Especially that it's Mark's old school. She wanted to go last year already and was thrilled to enter the classroom. Mark loves that he has 3 other friends before he even started school. Two of them are girls and last year he didn't play with Cady at school anyways so it didn't seem such a big deal. Kaden his cousin on the other hand was huge to be in his class. Mark's sad that the teacher won't let him play with his cousin but he's excited to met new friends. Kyla is also excited to have our neighbour and her little boyfriend to go to school with also. I still have a daycare kid that goes to the same preschool as Kyla on a different day. Mommy's favorite day is Friday. I have no daycare kids and both our kids are in school. I have 2 hours. To do whatever I need. I asked Mark how his first day of school was and he said. Great. The best part was that your friend was my gym teacher. The gym teacher is a lady from our church. He's not a kid that comes home all excited to tell me what he did at school. Rather I hear bits and pieces as he remembers them. Like right now. He just interupted me to tell me the teacher had two baby dolls in Square time (I was corrected when I asked about circle time). The baby dolls burped and drank water and slept in the kids arms. They all got a turn holding the dolls. Out of no where...and We're supose to understand what they learn about??? I'm guessing that was apart of the Family topic??? I guess we're in for an interesting year with Both kids!!
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