As Christmas comes closer many things come to an end for the season. This fall I have been very involved in a Ladies morning out called "Take-A-Break". The committee has been a blessing of new friends, supporters and spiritual leaders. Last summer I went back to our church in Winnipeg and was sadden to know that even though I have lived here for two years I still felt like Riverwood was my home church. After prayer and discussion I realized it was my own personal involvement that makes a church feel more like "home". I was asked to be on this committee and knew that was God's calling. I knew very few of them before starting and now it feels like we've known each other a lot longer. There are around 70 ladies that come out every Thursday and my role has been the speaker coordinator. That alone has been fun and a challenge not knowing many people. I meet with the speakers before hand, and again for coffee the week before and the morning of their talk for prayer. The ladies are all in small groups around tables and that also was good this year. My table went for coffee the other night to get to know each other better outside of the Thursday morning discussion time.
Another part of the morning has been blessing a local women's shelter. Each week the ladies are asked to bring one item (toothbrush, toothpaste, body wash, pads, socks...). For our final week we brought gift bags and the ladies brought small items to fill the bags. I was blown away by the variety of small gifts and the number of bags that were filled.
This last session has been on "Doors" and I'm looking forward to January as we dive into the "Be Attitudes for Women".
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