Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Day 4 &5

Sorry I didn't get a post in yesterday. Ray felt it was a day of fiddling and driving but those days will happen. Dad got lots of painting done which was great - both bedrooms are done now. He spent time switching many plugs out too. Time consumming but necessary. We could never have expected the amount of electrical work needed until we got in here. Mostly it was electrical and plumbing issues for Ray but now that the tub is in place he seems more relaxed. Dan came with his truck to pick up/drop off the kitchen and Jason was in both nights placing the cabniets in place. Shinny was back both days working hard on the patching and sanding which was great but means we are still behind with painting the kitchen which means we still havn't started flooring but that's ok. My anal retentiveness wants them to stick to the "schedule" but I know realisitically it was only an outline. Anyways, I can't complain much since I'm hardly over there. I have been childminding kids again today and now Kyla is throwing up so it's not fun. Mom was here helping with supper and with kids - thanks I needed that!! I got to take a few door hinges off today and paint part of a wall. My biggests thing was buying all appliances today - YEAH!!!!!! That was fun and even better that we got upgrades without the extra costs. Ray got a deal on his lino today too but that won't go in for a few days. Anyways, lots accomplished in the last two days but not many pictures to show.