Now that it is Friday...
Wow one week in and there has been sooo much accomplished. Huge thanks to Ernie (dad) and Wally (dad) and Ray for all their work. Also to all the others that have come and put in time and helped too. All lino flooring is finished. 90% of the painting is done, 90% of laminate flooring is done, 90% of kitchen is in. 90% of electrical work that was to be done is done. 90% of Ray's face has hair growing on it. One curtain rod is up, baseboards are painted but not installed, and lighting fixtures are purchased waiting to be put up. The list is long for tomorrow and hopefully more help is coming (as I'm going scrap booking for a couple of hours hehehe). As we have found so far, each step is depending on another and as each step is done the next is waiting. It is so impressive how much has been accomplished all ready. Each day Ray, dad and I sit down and write up the list for the next days jobs and the ongoing list to purchase stuff and each day it is exciting to see that most if not all things have been crossed off.
Of course we're not ready to move in until after carpets are lay ed and appliances arrive (Tuesday) and we've done some major dusting!!!